Co-production Events

Promoting exchanges

For the purpose of promoting exchanges, co-production and distribution both between Latin American countries and with other territories, networking events have been organized among the participating delegations during the 11th edition of Ventana Sur: the already classic Ibero-American co-production event and, for the first time, a co-production event with the UK delegation, another one with the Italian delegation, and a third one between Chile, Argentina and Spain.


UK – LATIN AMERICA Co-production Breakfast
Organized by: British Film Institute and INCAA.

SPAIN – CHILE – ARGENTINA Co-production Event
Organized by: ICAA, CinemaChile and INCAA with collaboration of AGADIC, Catalan Films and Basque Audiovisual.

7º IBEROAMERICAN Co-production Event
Organized by: CAACI, RECAM and INCAA.

ITALY – ARGENTINA Co-production Event
Organized by: ICE, ANICA, DG Cinema e Audiovisivo MIBACT, APA, CNA Cinema e Audiovisivo Nazionale, CNA Cinema e Audiovisivo Piemonte, and INCAA.
